Ancient History Page

Who was Cicero?

What was the policy of Cicero? What was he after? I will try to answer this by examing some of the letters of Cicero.

Consul list

Consuls 300bc-200ad. Also censors 280bc.-86ad. Also includes dictators and unready list of princeps senatus and pontifex maximus.

Liberaali factio?

Eli toimiko Roomassa 90-luvulla ekr.liberaali factio joka pyrki sovittelemaan ja ratkaisemaan yhteiskunnan ongelmat. Pitkä tutkimus jota en suosittele muille kuin alasta kiinnostuneille.

The Consuls, 80-49 b.c.

The consuls in the age of Cicero. Who they were, and where did their influence come from?

Comitia Centuriata???

Sivu täynnä selityksiä omituisille Rooman historiaan liityville sanoille ja termeille.

Imperial Roman factions.

This essey will discuss what political factions existed in imperial Rome in the first century of this millenia. Some family-tables below, Vistilia and L.Vitellius, will be helpfull.

Aurelius Cotta.

A family table of Gaius Aurelius Cotta in the first century bc.

Messalla Corvinus.

A family table of Marcus Valerius Messalla Corvinus. Shows his powerfull political connections.

gens Caecilius Metellus.

A family table of the most powerful family of the late republican Rome.


A family table of Vistilia.

Lucius Vitellius.

Show the family connections which helped to form the vitellian party.

Nonius Asprenas.

The family table of the powerfull family of Lucius Nonius Asprenas. Shows the connections which made the family so succesfull.

Caesarin puolue.

Eli Caesar ei toki sotinut sisällissodassa yksin. Keitä hänen puolueeseensa kuului, ja miten heille myohemmin kävi.

Hirtius and Pansa.

Who were Aulus Hirtius and Gaius Vibius Pansa? Why were they so important persons during the civil war, 49-43 bc.

Legio XIV Gemina, IX Hispana ja II Augusta.

Three crack legions of the imperial Roman army...their history. Unfortunately I haven`t had time to go through that many sources, so there will be black holes during some years...and anyway, does someone ever read these stupid esseys? Probably not.

The Governors of The Roman Britain.