Kingdom of Lindon
Royal Charter Number 21.

Hereby, in year 12 in the third age of the sun,
lord Glorfindel of the house of Dilwe is granted a
permission to form a knighthood. The rules of
this knighthood shall be decided by lord Glorfindel
in separate charter, of which the royal house shalt
speak nothing of. The knighthood shalt preserve peace
and law in all Eriador and areas surrounding,
obeying the laws of Lindon and the laws of any which
countrys area they happen to be in.

Herein from this day onwards the knighthood shalt
take the place of the army of Lindon as the heretary
protector of Eriador and various nations therein,
especially the towne of Bree upon which the
kingdom has always felt responsible of.

The members of this knighthood shalt be treated with
utmost respect by the subjects and friends of this
kingdom, and shalt themselves take all the care possible
to earn that respect. The knighthood shalt be responsible
of it`s actions to it`s lord Glorfindel and to this crowne
or to anyone who represents this crowne in Eriador and Lindon.
Hence forth shall the knighthood be called knighthood
of The Golden Flower, and shalt they follow the banner of
the raising sun. This banner they shalt show openly so people
therein can know who represent the law.

This royal charter I have given in Lindon, in year 12 of the third age
Narces son of Felduin
of the house of The Fountain, underlord of Lindon
in the name of Ereinion Gil-galad, the highking of Noldor

This charter we undersigned prove as right and guarantee it`s lawfulness;
Elrond son of Eärendil, Steward of Eriador
Gildor son of Gilthalion, lord of Mithlond
Glorfindel son of Darion, lord of Lindon
Guilin son of Malwe, warlord of Eriador
Cirdan, lord of Falathrim
Älwe son of Dölwe, lord of Forlindon

The lawfulness of this charter we thereby guarantee;
Andamal son of Herugan, steward of Arnor
Vahtar son of Vagran, lord of Nenuial