Singollo sat in front of the fireplace in the great hall of the manor of The Fountain. He had his notebook with him. Delemir was next to him, sitting in a comformtable chair, watching the fire. Older elf was already deep in his thoughts, trying to memorise those days faraway in the past. Delemir was dressed in his old green travelling cloak. Singollo had always find it interesting how old knights of the Golden Flower still wore their cloaks, just like in those days when they were the law in Eriador.Even Delemir did so, though he had resigned from the order.  Other elves had beautifull expensive clothes, but not them. Without any formal decision Singollo had adapted their manner of dressing, and always wore his grey cloak. He loved his cloak and realised that the knights must have same kind of relationship to their own clothes. To them those old cloaks were the best clothes in the world. Singollo looked at Delemir and smiled. Finally he had the former chieftain of the Golden Flower with him. Finally Delemir would get his own chapter in Singollo`s book about the history of the Lords of The Fountain. A chapter he fairly deserved. Young elf remembered those days when Delemir had been teaching him and his brothers. Delemir was practically part of the family and he deserved this.  “Tell me about it"”, said Singollo, and when he spoke his voice was like that of Elu Thingol himself. "Tell me about The Last Alliance". And Delemir started to speak…to speak about those old times when he was young and world was full of hope!


Gathering of The Army

I was a young elf in those times when the alliance was formed. My family was poor and insignificant. My father was from Hithlum, so we were still following the banners of his son Ereinion Gil-galad. But it was from the habit, not out of any sense of loyalty. We had never even seen the highking. My parents were simple farmers. We had a small piece of land near Mithlond and that was all. But my childhood was happy, never forget that. One does not need to be rich to be happy. The war changed everything. The levy of Lindon was gathered. All the males old enough were required to join the ranks of the army. My father and older brother Menuilen joined and I went with them. We were spearmen in the forces of Lindon. But soon our commander, he was lord Erendur of the house of Finrod, found out that I was quite good with the sword and I was transferred into a better company which would fight with swords.

I knew no famous elves in those times. I only saw Gildor and Erendur sometimes, when they were inspecting troops. They were a good commanders, but especially Erendur had little time for us from all his worries, You see, he was also a member of the council of Lindon and had to be there all the time making important decisions. It took long time to form our forces and march them towards east. But finally we reached Amon Sul and there the forces of Arnor joined us and big council was held. At that time we in the ranks knew not what was going to happen. We thought the army would force the mountain passes before winter, but that was not to be so. Instead the army stayed around Amon Sul, waiting for reinforcements and seeking new allies. Envoys were send to all the free people in Middle-Earth to join us. During that time a major reorganising of our forces began. We were trained hard and formed into companies and battalions. Some said we were changed into something similar as the regular numenorean army. Soon the name of our army was in everybody`s lips..The Army of Eriador. The name made us proud. We were part of something bigger. We would save Gondor and the world.

Then luck found me, and never has it forsaken me since. My whole family wasn`t poor, you see. My mother had a cousin called Narces. He was the famous successfull man in the family. Narces was underlord of Lindon. He too was from a poor and insignificant family, but he had one great advantage. He was a genius. He could make things work. Things that no one else could. There were nasty rumours about him being a social upclimber, and everybody knew how the noblest lords in Mithlond looked him down. He was not invited into their parties and his name was mentioned by them with contempt. These elves simply could not tolerate someone with no noble heritage among them. Often one heard names like Erendur, Guilin, Melandur and Galendil, and even Salmarindil. Men with royal or noblest blood in their veins. They thought underlord of Lindon should be one from their own class and not some upstart. But they say that Narces paid them no attention and worked twice as hard to make things work. He had great help from his friendship with lord Glorfindel. I had only heard the name, never met him myself, but a special kind of kindness and warmth was always associated to his name.

Narces was perhaps undermined by noble lords of Mithlond, but when The Army of Eriador needed chief of staff, the place was his by right. Even Guilin supported him, for obvious reason that he was the best for the job. Only a week had gone from the appointment of Narces, when he suddenly arrived to my tent. I congratulated him heartily but already wondered why he had come, since he couldn`t have much spare time with all the reorganising in hand. He went straight to the business. “Delemir, we are organising a Headquarters for the army, in the numenorean manner, and need our best and brightest there”. I nodded, not knowing where he was aiming at. “I have watched you with interest. You show great promise and I think we could use you in the Headquarters. I am offering you the vacancy as the junior officer of the staff”. I was amazed. That was beyong my wildest dreams. And I was not aware that I had shown any sing of promise yet. “Would warlord Guilin and the king agree with my appointment”, I asked with worry in my voice. "“It is my Headquarters and I appoint who I want"”, said Narces confidently and smiled warmly. “If you accept the vacancy, it is done. You can get your things together and move immediately to the tower”. I of course accepted and after saying goodbye to my father and brother I moved to tower of Amon Sul to join th Headquarters.


The Organisation of The Headquartes

So I joined the later so famous Headquarters of The Army of Eriador. It was totally worth it`s reputation. Numenore and the royalists might have had their regular army to outmanouver us, but we had our Headquarters to out-think them. Narces was right. He had the best and the brightest. Sometimes we felt there was nothing that we couldn`t do. And that spirit we managed to give to the army too. But I must now tell who were in those headquarters. The best and the brightest always deserve to be named and remembered. We had eight messangers, carrying messages and orders to the units. When they were in the headquarters they helped with everything else. They were all young elves and men, always excited and cheerfull. Hallas was one of them. I remember well how I first met him. We just formally bowed to each other and said nothing. He was sinda and I was noldo. During those times it still meant something. But when I got to know him better I couldn`t help but like him, and we soon became friends. I know the amount of messangers sounds small, but we also had us junior officers who were used to deliver messages, and kings Ereinion and Elendil had their squires as did Guilin and Glorfindel. Those squires were in our use too.

There were four of us junior officers and during those years we were virtually inseparable. One was a man from Arnor, called Talard. He was quite short but strong, and in his blue eyes there was always friendly light. Another man was from Gondor. He came to north with Isildur and was distantly related to Isildur`s wife. He too was young, like we all were, and full of life. His name was Ildarion. Another elf in the group was a sinda from Harlindon. His name was Lindian. He became my best friend and I thought we would be together for ever. But it was not to be so.

There were also four senior officers. They already had lot`s of experience. We junior officers usually carried messages, ran errands and basicly did what we were told. Senior officers in theory had these same responsibilities, but they also particated in actual planning of movements, and they more often stayed in the Headquarters. In the end the system changed a bit and we juniors got more responsibilites when some senior officers were appointed to serve with command officers. Two of the senior officers were elves. Cassian was from the folk of The Fountain, and he had considerable experience as a staff officer. He was nice and kind, and made us junior officers feel ourself wanted and important. Randal was another elf. He also was noldo, but from the house of Melandur. He was not as experienced as Cassian, and not as nice. But he accepted me well because I was noldo too, and generally he was not a bad person. Two other senior officers were men. The one I became close friends with was called Alcamir. He was very capable officer and excellent company. Alcamir had been an officer in the numenorian imperial guard during his youth, and he was considered to be an expert when it came to knowledge about numenorian army. But there was something sad about Alcamir. Something he never explained. Other man was from Arnor and his name was Mearan. Him I knew the least from the officers. He kept much to himself but was quite liked among the rest of us, for sometimes he liked to tell stories and they were worth hearing. He was good in mathematics and that skill came handy in the Headquarters.

That was us, the rank and core in the Headquartes. We were a closely knit group. We represented the kings and Guilin to the troops, and did it well. We were the muscles in the Headquarters making things move. But there were others who made things work and who made the decisions. Lot`s of people always were in the Headquarters. Not all of them were assigned to us. Kings Ereinion and Elendil were usually in our tent, giving and receiving advices and generally wanting to know what was going on. Their energy was almost limitless. They were interested about everything that was being done and I think that their usual presense doubled our efforts too. They seldom talked to us younger officers, but there was usually polite nods and good mornings. I talked with Gil-galad only couple of times, and never with Elendil, but still, I would have followed king Ereinion to anywhere. He was just like those old elven kings Fingolfin and Feanor. He was wise but also strong and martial. His wisdom was great, but unlike those ancient kings he also had some kindness in him. You could see it in his eyes. He was always worried about others. Of his own security he cared not.

Elrond was usually with Gil-galad, and so was Cirdan. I also often saw Isildur, but he talked not to us junior officers. He might have been greater soldier than his father, but as a man he was not in the same class as Elendil. To me Isildur seemed proud and vain. I also often met Isildur`s sons. Elendur was most like his father. Aratan was rash and wild, always ready to rush into danger and do heroic things. The one I liked most was Ciryon. That boy had sense in him. He was good with sword but not rash, and he was not proud like his oldest brother. He was considerate and friendly. I talked with him often, for he liked to stay with us staff officers. Yes, we were friends with prince Ciryon, and one of the worst things about battle of Gladden fields was that he died, I think.

Guilin was the warlord of the army and the leader of the Headquarters. He often talked with us and paid attention even to the youngest members of his headquarters. But somehow I got the impression that his heart was not with him. He had given up all that highborn noldo attitude because he had to, in order to make his army work. But those thoughts were still somewhere deep in his mind. But Guilin did his best to keep good athosphere in the headquarters, and succeeded in it. We trusted him, for he truly was a great commander. It was typical that before and during battle Guilin just stood still, giving orders without raising his voice. He was not even a bit excited or worried, so it seemed. Narces in the other hand would be really nervous before the battle, but calmed down immediately when the action started, whereas Glorfindel was the calmness itself before the battle but when action started he couldn`t stand still but instead trotted here and there giving orders, cheering others up and generally being on the move. Guilin and Narces were calm commanders and Glorfindel was energetic moving type. And when those three were together it was difficult to imagine better combination.

So yes, Glorfindel was in the headquarters too. He was lord of Lindon, without any assignment in the army. That is why he usually was in the headquarters, being unofficial second in command. His relationship with Guilin improved 100% during those years when they both started to respect each other. We all loved Glorfindel. He was everything one could hope for. He was never moody and showed not publicly his worries. His mere presence lifted our spirits. During those years I learned to love and respect him. He responded with respect towards us, though we were only junior officers. We felt like being friends with him, not subordinates. After the first time I met him I knew I would be following his banners from now on. And ever since I have done so!

My relative Narces was chief of staff. It was his Headquarters, and we all knew it. If we had troubles we would talk to Narces. If someone disrespected us we would talk to him. If we had opinions or ideas we would talk to him. And he listened. The noble lords no longer looked him downwards, for now he was leading an army and was giving the commands. He looked always tired from all the pressure that was upon him and his face was always worried. But he never fell under that burden. Sometimes he stumbled, but we all were there to stop him from falling. Those three lord there were in the headquarters; Guilin, Glorfindel and Narces. Under them but above us there were the command officers. They were not general staff officers but had each an appointed task. We junior and senior officers represented Guilin and were appointed by him. Our authority was limited. We were send to give orders from Guilin or Narces to troops, but we ourself could not give orders. Command officers represented Gil-galad and Elendil themselves, and were appointed by them. They could give commands to units, as their name implies, and in necessity they could command the entire army. For these vacancies experienced officers were needed, but only few were at hand. Most veteran officers were already commanding troops and younger officers had not the experience needed. But Narces was lucky because one was without vacancy because he was in Rivendel. He was lord Aränwe from house of The Fountain. He had been an adjutant of The house of Fountain in Nirnaeth, and had immense experience and trust of the troops. Aränwe was appointed. He was cheerfull old elf with lot`s of energy and great amount of wisdom. He got the most important vacancy as an operation officer. He was in fact the right hand of Narces. Often we could see those two with the maps late into night, plannigh the moves of the army and figuring out what the enemy would do. But Aränwe was never happy with his responsibility. He wanted to be with his friend Ecthelwion fighting the enemy in the frontlines.

Next one to be appointed was a dunadan called Maitren. He was a lonely quiet man. Maitren was the only one in the command staff who sometimes got angry at us younger officers. He could suddenly shout in anger and complitely loose his temper. I guess it was because he was under such a strong stress. But when it comes to his abilities there was no limits. He was perhaps the ablest man in the headquarters after Guilin and Narces. He was given the responsibility over supplies, and he did excellent job. Maitren was always working, making calculations and keeping the supply columns moving. Of the senior officers Mearan was appointed as his aide, and together they kept the army fed and clothed. Our third command officer was also a dunadan. He came late to the army, when we were already in Rivendel. Ornendil was from Lond Daer and only joined the army after his home city had joined the alliance. He had a glorious past in the numenorean regulars, being a former staff officer of Haldimir “fair” himself. When hearing that such a man was available Narces send for him, and Ornendil accepted the vacancy. He was appointed to be the march officer, who was in charge of the army movements. This was just the right job for this energetic man. He rode here and there making sure that army was marching in the right order, by the right roads and making enough distance in every day. In difficult terrain he kept the columns moving, planning the routes in advance and building bridges if necessary. In battle Ornendil made sure troops were in right places and knew where they were supposed to be. I often helped Ornendil and rode all around the army making sure everything went as planned.

Fourth vacancy was still open, and finally Guilin appointed Annael of Mithrim, who was the underlord of sindar and extremely experienced commander. Appointment to staff was of course very much under his position, but Annael was such a person that he would server where he was needed most. He accepted the post without any hesitation, volunteering to server under his equals. He was perhaps the most respected man in the Headquarters. Even Gil-galad called him always master Annael. His wisdom was deep and his knowledge great. Annael used to tell stories about the big fights against orcs in time when noldor had not yet returned to Middle-Earth. His story about meeting and arguing with Feanor was one of our favorite. That old elf was the soul of the Headquarters. He was simply called command officer, since that was his job. When a division from the army was detached to act independently, it was Annael who was send with that unit to be it`s chief of staff. He was the right man for this job because he was widely respected and noble lords couldn`t simple ignore him. When he was not needed for such a duties, he was helping other command officers with their duties.

These were the people working in the headquarters. We had young people and we had old people. We had humans and elves, noble lords and us commoners. But we all worked together during the next years, and many long friendships were born in there.


Rivendel and Beyond

It took a long time but finally we had all the troops at hand in Amon Sul and the army was organised. It was too late to force the passes for the winter had already arrived. We had two choices. To march south and use gap of Calenardhon, or to remain and wait for spring in Eriador. That is when we received a news that Gondor had repelled the attacks in Osgiliath and Pelargir, and the enemy had moved into defense, trying to reorganise it`s armies and bring in reinforcements. That helped the leaders make a decision that we were to spend the winter in Eriador. Slowly we started to march to east towards Rivendel. Part of the army was however send south. Gildor Inglorion led this force, and he had his own group of 2000 noldor from Lindon with him, as well as some 1000 dunedain of Lhun. His job was to gather more allies from south and then march to Calenanardhon, so that if Gondor would get into trouble they could help. Otherwise they would secure Calenardhon and wait for the main army. His journey proved to be partly succesfull. Great Peace was made in Minhiriath, and lord of Lond Daer and men of Minhiriath gave up their ancient war and became friends. Both parties send 2500 men to join the alliance. So with 5000 new men Gildor marched to Aglarond and camped there in next spring. From there he send prince Elendur, who was with him, to meet the lords of Anfalas and Belfalas and the men of the mountains. The dunedain joined Elendur and followed their lord Gilthmir to Aglarond, but only one of the chieftains of the mountains joined them. Others were afraid of Sauron and Haldimir, and decided to abandon their alliance with Gondor.

In the meantime we marched in leisure to Rivendel and met there lord Elrond, steward of Eriador, and other noble lords of his house. Erestor of Eregion was there, as well as Ecthelwion son of Ecthelion. Our stay in Rivendel then became longer than we had thought. The army was trained and Elrond`s forces joined our organisation. At this time Ornendil joined our Headquartes. He brought with him a news that everything was still well in Gondor. The spring was coming and we again had that conversation about wether we should rush to Osgiliath or make better plans and get more allies. Envoys were send to meet with kings Oropher and Amdir of the silvanelves, and some even farther east to ask help from Rhun forest and from northmen. But should we wait or not? The Headquarters wanted to cross the mountains as fast as possibly and then wait and see, but kings Ereinion, Elendil and Isildur wanted to wait for still some more reinforcements. They also wanted to get the alliance more solid under the overall leadership of Gil-galad. So we waited another summer and winter. Gondor was coming again under pressure, and we were not sure what the situation actually was like.

In the next spring the kings were finally overruled by the lords and Guilin started to prepare his army to march. The Headquarters organised everything, and all the time we waited for the snow in the mountains to melt. But Guilin wanted to be absolutely sure. He divided th army into two parts. One under Elendil would cross in the Highpass and then march south along Anduin river. Another under Gil-galad and Guilin would cross farther in south, and then join Elendil. But Guilin didn`t wish to send his army to the passes blindly. A smaller unit was send ahead to see if the route was passable. Lord Erendur was chosen to lead it, and I was send to accompany that unit. We had 1000 men, most of them laiquendi and sindar. That was quite a trip we made. The snow had mostly melted, but we were perhaps half a month too early. I send that message to Guilin and they delayed their own movement a bit. Erendur didn`t wish me to send the message, for he thought the passes were in good enough condition for our army to cross. But it was my decision to make and his intervention annoyed me, so I send my message anyway. We crossed the mountains using icy path and watching for avalanches. Some 200 men were lost because of that and other accidents. Erendur was not excellent commander under peacetime. He didn`t really know how to keep his troops spirit up. He couldn`t cheer them up or made them feel confident. But when troubles started to mount he was in top of things. He never hesitated with his commands and most of his choices were right. The snow and ice couldn`t stop us. I don`t think I was of much help, but I did what I could. Near Anduin vale we were attacked by some 1000 orcs. I fought side by side with Erendur. That was my first battle ever and I did well. Erendur and I, after a bit cold start, became fast friends. We beat the orcs back causing them severe casualties, and then marched down to the Anduin valley.

In Anduin vale The Army of Eriador united once again and marched south. Simultaniously forces of silvan elves under king Oropher arrived to the east bank of Anduin and followed the army south. In Lothlorien the army stopped. It was time to get to know the situation and make final plans. The mountains had been safely crossed and now there was time. All the lords met in Lothlorien. Oropher and Durin of Khazad Dum joined our leaders there promising to bring their forces to join the army. And finally decisions were made. The negotiations took a long time. The army was utterly bored during that time, just killing time in the wilderness north of Lorinand. We junior officers only heard rumours about what was been planned. Command officers were all invited to tell their own views and they could tell us something about what was going on. Lords had two different views about what should be done. Some, including Isildur and Cirdan wanted to march south, join Gildor and Gilthmir in Calenardhon and then enter Gondor to fight the enemy.

But kings Gil-galad and Elendil agreed with the Headquarters that we should cross Anduin and then march south to the area which later was called Brown Lands. It took long time again to prepare our forces. New allies, Amdir and Durin, joined their forces with us, accepting the position of Gil-galad as the leader of the alliance. Commander Maitren was given the task to build a pontoon bridge over Anduin and he made it with his usual skill. I helped him with the job because I was utterly bored. Nothing had been happening for months, but then the army started to move. And when we finally moved we did it rapidly. How ever it took from us a full week to cross the river. Finally all the troops were across and we joined the forces of king Oropher. He had a strong force of silvan elves with him, about 12 000 in all. Oropher didn`t leave many men to protect his home lands. Amdir had gives us almost 6000 men, and Durin some 3000. We had a strong army now, by far the strongest ever in those parts of the Middle-Earth. Being confident about our future we marched south to meet the enemy.

At this time some troops were placed under the direct command of the Headquarters. A company of the army of Arnor had been with us from the beginning, acting as the Headquarters company. Now they were joined by other units. Perhaps the foremost of these was the 1st Battalion Lindon Foot Guards. It was a crack infantry unit and acted as the Headquarters reserve. The Guards were commanded by that very noble and intelligent noldo, lord Gellan of Greenhaven. He became on important character in the Headquarters, taking part to the planning and leading of the army. I have often thought, that perhaps Gellan`s break up with his lord, prince Galendil, started already there. Day by day he seemed to get better along with lord Glorfindel and underlord Narces. Each day took him farther from Galendil and further towards following his own councels. We all liked Gellan!

Also two cavalry units were given to us as the Headquarters reserve. 1st Battalion Arnor Horse Guards was an elite unit worthy of it`s later reputation. It was commanded by the dashing young prince Gennir of Cardolan, a relative of king Elendil. Also 2nd Battalion Arnor Cavalry (Annuminas Light Horse) was placed under our organization. Horse Guards were heavy cavalry and 2nd Battalion was light cavalry. Also 1st Company of Scouts, who were laiquendi elves, were part of the Headquarters.


Race to South

The enemy how ever did not wait passively what we would do. They had used the time well, and concentrated their main force to Brown Lands, which we called Green lands in those times. They were there observing what we would do, and when they saw that we had crossed the river they started to move rapidly northwards to intercept us before we could use the shallows of Anduin to link up with king Anarion of Gondor who was coming north to join us. We also needed a supply-line from Gondor, and Anduin Shallows were the right place to build a road. So towards that place rushed both armies. Our scouts who were send ahead under Ecthelwion of The Fountain brought back horrible news that the Green Lands were badly burned and nothing green could be found from there. What had happened to the former inhabitants, the entwives, no one knew though there were some rumours that Sauron`s men had taken away at least part of them. Whole formerly beautifull country was now burned and covered with black and brown ash and dirt. That is when Guilin solemly crossed over the name Green Lands from the maps and wrote Brown Lands there instead. Narces said the enemy was using tactics of the burned land. We couldn`t find anything to eat from the lands we were marching to. That would make our supply lines across the Anduin even more vital.

The enemy made it there first. When we finally saw the Shallows in front of us, we also saw the enemy positions between us and the river. But they had not been able to cross Anduin, and Anarion`s forces were already arriving to the other shore. Lords Gildor and Gilthmir with their forces were with Anarion. That day we found out who were against us. We could clearly see the banners of the royal house of Numenor in front of us, and the black banners of Mordor, and the red wulf banners of Ausir the cursed, the feared prince of Rhun. Haldimir the fair was there, as well as lord of the Nazgul and Ausir. They had more men than we did, but only slightly so. The great battle we all had expected never came. The royalists just stayed in their positions, being contented to block our way to Anduin and to see what we would do about it. And we waited, skirmishing a little in here and there, seeking for weak points from enemy positions. Days passed. We had to do something. As Narces said it to me, we either had to open the road to Gondor or turn around and return to north. The enemy was buying time, obviously expecting more reinforcements. We couldn`t afford to let them do that. So Guilin and Narces made a plan. They send a force under Elrond to flank the enemy from the left. When they reacted to this, we attacked in the right flank and simultaniously king Anarion crossed the river with boats and floats he had been building. The enemy was not driven from the field, but we pushed them backwards and linked with Anarion. Now we had a route to Gondor in our control. The battle in The Shallows was nothing major. Neither side was willing to risk a major engagement, and in the next day enemy started to pull back towards south. Later we heard that Haldimir had been in Mordor talking with Sauron at that time, and Ausir had led the enemy.

Two days after the battle the enemy had complitely vanished, marching rapidly towards south. Anarion and his army joined The Army of Eriador, and so did Gildor and Gilthmir. That is when I met lord of Belfalas for the first time. He was from one of the oldest and noblest families of Numenor, which had migrated to Belfalas some 500 years previously. Gilthmir had been in the regular army too, in his youth, and was very experienced. That is why he took the command of the dunedain. Men of Belfalas, Anfalas and Lond Daer all had great confidence in him, and we soon had too. He was a merry old fellow who was always laughing and telling jokes. I didn`t know anyone who disliked him. Often he came to the headquarters to have long talks with Glorfindel, and they became fast friends. Perhaps Gilthmir was not one of the brightest persons in the army, but his heart was pure gold and when it came to action he was more than competant.

After building a pontoon bridge over Anduin we resupplied the army and then slowly started to move south, across the now desert like terrain. The enemy was retreating fast. The reasons were simple. They were now in the same bad situation we had been a bit earlier. Now their supply lines were long and insecure, and if they would loose a battle their nearest safe base would be far away. So Haldimir was making a determined march to reach the safety of Morannon. That didn`t stop him from giving us trouble, thought. We had not seen any enemies for a week when the royalists attacked our advance elements with a strong force. Men of Arnor were surprised and driven back, as well as the silvan elf unit which was supposed to back them up. We lost some 1000 men dead and wounded, but Narces reacted rapidly and ordered a unit from Gondor to counter-attack. That they did in great style and drove the enemy from the field killing about 2000. Commander Annael was with the men of Gondor, directing the attack, and received great praise from everybody.

After that small battle in Brown Lands we reached the plains in front of Morannon without any trouble. Here we received our last new allies. Many men of Rhovanion under lord called Marhad joined us, and we dearly needed those horsemen. They were wild and brave nation, and of invaluable service to us. Also came some elves from forest of Rhun, about 2000 in all. The enemy was not planning to give us battle. They retreated inside the walls of Morannon. Some small forces stayed outside, harassing us. For two months we stayed in that plain, far enough of the walls so that they could`t observe our movements. In countless mornings me and Lindian watched that fortress in the horizont, both eager for our first real battle and hoping that in that day the waiting would be over. Our men skirmished with the enemy in front lines, but their main units stayed inside the walls and wouldn`t come out. Finally Narces found a solution. All our lords were beginning to loose their patience, and it was out of the question to directly attack Morannon. For all we knew there was most likely more men inside the walls than we had outside. We had to draw them to the open! We had to make them attack us!


Dagorlad; almost destruction

I still remember that day so well. It was probably the greatest day of my life. Also the worst day, since I lost many dear friends. That was the day when I grew up. The plan of Narces was simple. We would send away two divisions. Lord Vahtar of Nenuial would lead his Division of Nenuial , about 5000 men strong, towards east. His units included the elite 1st Battalion Nenuial Guards and the veterans of Dara Regulars. Marhad and his 4000 horsemen joined him, as well as a brigade from forces of Gondor. If I remember correctly, this brigade was 1st Brigade of Anorien. I mention that specially, because that brigade later reached a huge fame as Gilankil`s Brigade.  Commander Annael went with them to direct the operation. Their aim was to march towards a smaller fortress of Sauron some 5 days march east from Morannon, and threaten it. But outside view from Morannon Vahtar would stop and wait. Simultaniously king Amdir would led his force of 6000 silvan elves towards Ithilien. He would be accompanied by 2000 men from Minhiriath and 1st Light Infantry Brigade from Arnor. Commander Maitren from the headquarters would go with king Amdir. They would advance towards Osgiliath, threatening the rear of king Fuinur in front of that city. Amdir too would stop outside the sight of Morannon and wait. With sending 19 000 men away Narces hoped to trick the enemy to think that eriadorians had accepted the situation and were in the present content to just wait outside the walls. We were instead going to improve situation elsewhere by conquering a flanking fortress and by removing a threat towards Osgiliath. Enemy couldn`t afford to let us send reinforcements from our main army to other fronts, so they would have to attack us. And besides, it might look to them like a golden opportunity, when we had divided our army. Narces supposed that the enemy commanders had to be at least as frustrated and eager for battle as we were. They would act. Haldimir perhaps would not like to attack, but the others would force him. And when enemy would attack Vahtar and Amdir would immediately return to the main army. The enemy wouldn`t be able to retreat back inside the gates. They would have to fight!

When the sun was raising Vahtar and Amdir were send away. Commander Maitren waived at us cheerfully when he rode away. He was full of excitement and thought of death were as far away as possible. Those two divisions marched on and finally vanished from our sight. Then the waiting started. Our army was ready to form a battle-line if something would happen. The headquarters were in a small mound just behind the planned battle-line. We were all there. Gil-galad and Elendil with their personal heralds and squires were standing close by, talking with each other. Isildur was around, riding back and forth, and Elendur was with him. His youngest son Ciryon was in the headquarters with his grandfather. All the leaders of the army were there; Guilin, Glorfindel and Narces, as well as some other lords like Cirdan, prince Galendil, lord Volondil, Salmarindil Noldorin and such. Me and Lindian were quite excited, as well as other young officers in that mound. Guilin was again mysterious himself. He didn`t say anything besides some occasional orders. He just stood in the highest spot of the mound and stared at the black gate in front of us. Narces was mister nervousness, snapping at squires and trying desperately to make sure that everything was as ready as it could be. “Will they come”, he repeated all the time. Glorfindel was almost as excited as we, though he hid it better. He was everywhere at the same time reassuring nervous young soldiers and smiling warmly. But in his eyes there was a grim light. He knew that soon lot`s of soldiers would die, and even at that moment Glorfindel didn`t forget it.

A loud noice startlet us all. It took a while for me to realise what it was. The gates of Morannon had opened with a "boom"”. They were coming! They were actually coming. Out of the gate rode some cavalry, and then infantry started to appear. Long columns of infantry marched out. “Alarm”, shouted Guilin and men used their horns to play the right tunes. The whole camp came alive immediately. Men grapped their weapons and started to form columns. When formed the units marched to the front. Our men started to deploy in front of the headquarters.The line would be a long one., with 50 000 men in it. Lord Gellan of Greenhaven moved his Lindon Foot Guards forward and formed a line in front of the mound to protect the Headquarters. Simultaniously lord Glorfindel came to the conclusion that there would be no cavalry fight in the center of the line and ordered the two battalions of Arnor cavalry to dismount and form up behind the Headquartes. I remember Gil-galad coming to ask which units the army had in reserve. “Älwe and his laiquendi”, answered Narces promptly, “and Elrond`s Division of Imladris”. But you should know, that the divison was not commanded by Elrond who stayed with the Royal Household. Instead lord Ecthelwion of the Fountain was commanding it with lord Erestor as his assistant. All the other units of the army were used to form a long line across the plain. That is, all the other units expect those which belonged to the royal household of kings Ereinion and Elendil. These units still stayed behind under direct control of the kings themselves. These troops included five household companies and elite 1st Lindon Horse Guards company under brave sir Caimentur, 7th knight of the Holy Circle. But it was not our own deployment which took my attention, since other officers were taking care of it. I was to keep my eye on the enemy and what they were doing. It immediately became apparent that what ever they were going to do they were going to do it splendidly.

Column after column marched out from the black gate. It was still impossible to say how many enemies there were. Their cavalry was deploying to their right flank (our left). So far the enemy units had been brown clad troop of Rhun and other allied nations. Now three banners rode from the gate. We could hear enemy troops shouting and cheering. The foremost was royal banner of Numenor. “Haldimir himself”, said someone near me. It was Alcamir who sounded odd. I Looked at him and there were tears in his eyes. At that time I knew not why. Closely followod the banner of the lord of Nazguls. There was less cheering but more shouting. The last of the enemy leaders to exit was Ausir the cursed, prince of Rhun. We could of course not see him since the distance was too far, but his red wulf-banner was following him where ever he went.

And then more troops followed. This time in bright red and scarlet uniforms. Brown clad troops were already deploying on the plain in front of Morannon, and now these new red troops started to do the same. And then the music began. First there were drums. I still remember that odd distant “booom, booom, booom, booom”. It was like a faint thunder. Then the pipes and horns started and whole world was full of music. Rhytmical march music. And the troops followed it. The red clad troops spread to the plain, making the horizon a scarlet and red sea. More and more came, and the point of their spears shined in the first rays of the sun. It was one of the most impressive sight I have ever seen.

I looked around and saw that I was not the only one impressed by the view. Guilin looked at the deploying troops with some weird admiration in his eyes. And Glorfindel looked alike. “They are coming to kill us”, said Glorfindel. “But doesn`t it look great when someone really knows what he is doing”. I saw how Guilin nodded. “I have never seen a march like that. See those columns. There is nothing wrong in them. They are perfect”. Narces stood nearby and and turned to the other two. “I wish I could some day train out troops to march and deploy like that”, he observed with a smirk. It looked great, except that they will soon attack us, though I. But as I said before, they were going to do it most splendidly. Our forces were even after some years of training ill disciplined if compared to troops in front of us. They were not closing on us, just deploying in the plain outside Morannon. And they were doing it swiftly. In that moment my friend prince Erendur rode to the mound. He had been deploying his own unit but had left it to others when seeing what was going on, and now arrived to the Headquarters. “Do you see that”, he shouted with great excitement. The whole plain is a red sea..what are those troops”? Lindian was standing closest to him, and I will never forget how he turned and looked at Erendur. “They are numenorian regulars, my lord”, he shouted over all the noise, “and they are about to charge us”. Glorfindel came from somewhere and I saw the fierce light in his eyes. He notice Erendur dismounting, and shouted to him. “Master Erendur, this is not your place to be. Get back to your troops and prepare them. The Numenorean regulars are here and you have never needed to be as prepared as soon need”. Without a word Erendur mounted his horse and turned to look at Glorfindel, saluting. “Keep it together Erendur”, said Glorfindel. “No matter what happens, keep it together”. Erendur nodded. “Will do”, he answered gravely and rode off towards his troops, which were simultaniously deployind right in front of the headquarters. Lord Gildor Inglorion`s banner was also there already, and I could see his figure among the troops of Lindon, directing them to positions. Erendur went towards Gildor and vanished from my view.

At that moment my attention turned to another elf standing near my. It was lord Volondil of Dinlande. Dinlade was only a few kilometers from my home village and I had often as a child meet the noble lord of the house of Pelendur. Now he stood alone, looking pale and worried, but not frightened. Rather in contrast. But there was something weird on his face! I think lord Aränwe also saw it, since he approached Volondil. “My lord Volondil”, you look pale, observed Aränwe with a worry in his voice. Volondil looked at the older elf. “Lord Aränwe, forgive me, but I am in a sad mood. Until now I had somehow hoped, that my relative Melandur would have been right in his policy. That there would be no grand alliance to conquer Middle-Earth. That the position of my house would have been the right one, to resist to deployment of the full force of Lindon. But alas, now I must finally acknowledge it to myself. We have been fools! Often I have resisted my relative, lord Melandur, but in this I believed him! Yet now it is clear he was wrong. This is the grand alliance Isildur and Glorfindel spoke of. It is true and horribly strong! What a fool have I been too”!

Aränwe looked at the lord of Dinlade with compassion. “Fault is not yours, lord Volondil. You believed the councels of your noble relative, who is famous for his wisdom. We are here now. That is all that matters. We are here and able to resist that horrible alliance”! I saw how Volondil nodded sadly. “Yes, Aränwe, you are right. That is why my spirit is done. For today I must try to wash clean the shame of my house. I must wash it clean and I fear it will be the end of me”. I felt almost panic, for someone speaking with such a words. Lord Volondil`s words were grave and calm. But I had no time to worry about that. Things were happening with an alarming speed now and I was needed elsewhere!


All the time more and more troops marched out from Morannon. There was almost no end to them. Someone was cursing next to me, I think it was prince Gennir. Everybody looked worried. The enemy troops were still spreading in the plain in front of us, and that captivating music still filled the air. “They are forming squares”, shouted Hallas who had the best eyesight I know of. It was true. The enemy was not deploying anymore. Now they were forming up. Our troops were doing the same. I could again hear the admiration in the voice of Guilin, when he silently said, “they had twice the distance to march and they did it as fast as we”. Honestly it must be said that some of the easterling lines were quite disrupted, as well as the mordorians, but those red lines of Numenore were in perfect order and forming up fast. And they were forming up into squares. Underlord Narces, Cassian and Aränwe were working hard on the big table which our squires had put up. Then Narces lifted his head up and looked to Gil-galad, Elendil and Guilin. “There is eight squares forming”, he said with a calm voice. “and there seems to be 15 000 soldiers in each square”.

There was a complite silence for some seconds. Someone gasped. “But that means 120 000 enemies”, said commander Maitren who had calculated it within seconds. Narces nodded, and his face was a bit pale. “We got our battle”, he said but didn`t sound happy. Not happy at all. “Messangers to both Vahtar and Amdir. Tell them to return as fast as possible”, ordered Guilin. Two messangers left in a hurry. I looked at Lindian who was standing next to me. “This looks bad”, he said. “Even if Vahtar and Amdir make it back to here there is only 70 000 of us against 120 000 enemies”. I nodded grimly. “But there is only two red squares in there”, I observed trying to find something positive. It was true. Opposite us were two squares of Numenorean regulars. The rest were less disciplined troops. That was when suddenly Gil-galad`s horse, left to stand free, polted and ran towards the rear, his squire and relative Nolondil chasing it. I was standing next, so I joined the chase. Nolondil was a nice man who had accepted the honorary position as the kings squire instead of commanding some military unit. He was a bit older than me, but not more experienced. I liked Nolondil! Together we ran through Elrond`s camp but the horse kept in front of us and refused to stop. Finally dark haired elf cut it`s path and stopped the horse. We reached him, out of breath and in a quite bad mood. "You noldor really are no horse people", said the strange elf laughing, and gave the reins of the horse to Nolondil. Then he walked off, still laughing. I saw nothing funny in it, and felt anger. But the elf was already gone. “Who was that”, I asked. “Tälwe the dark”, replied Nolondil. “One of the most respected young warriors of sindar. He is personal squire of Galadhil himself”. I watched long after the dark greyelf. Yes, I had heard about him. He was gaining name already in the army. But our first meeting was not very enjoyable.

Me and Nolondil escorted the horse back to the mound. Things had been happening while we were gone. The enemy was now marching towards us, still in the rhytm of that music, and the distance between two armies was shrinking rapidly. We were in a bad situation. But then the help came. Just in the right time Amdir`s column reappeared from the west, making a forced march towards Dagorlad. They were directly in the rear of the enemy. Instantly the music stopped, and whole enemy army came to a halt. “ill he retreat to the fortress”, wondered lord Gellan aloud. Alcamir shook his head. “Haldimir will not run. Not now! He can see the victory clearly now. I can almost see his thought like they were my own. He will hit us, and hit us hard”. I looked at Alcamir, surprised. Narces had heard what he said and nodded. “He still has the advantage and he will not retreat. We must support Amdir at once”. Guilin turned around and walked towards the messangers. There were only two left. “You two”, he shouted. “Message to chieftain Älwe. He is to form his men and march them south to link up and support king Amdir. Simultaniously lord Gilthimir must take his men out from the line and march south to support Älwe. I want a full united line from here to the southern road. All the units in the right flank will simultaniously make their line thinner and longer, so we wont have a hole in our line”.

The messangers left and I had a moment to ponder what it all meant. Half of our reserves was now marching to meet Amdir, who was approaching from south and was complitely isolated from the rest of the army. Our long line from east to west would now wheel towards south. But what would Haldimir the fair do now? He was flanked and in potentially dangerous situation. But he was one of the great military leaders of all times. I imagined him coolly estimating what would be the best solution to his problem. Somewhere else leaders were not coolly calculating. We could see all the way to the mound that Amdir was hesitating. His advance towards enemy`s flank stopped, then it was resumed again, and then stopped once more. King Amdir was clearly very unsure about what to do and commander Maitren with him was not the right person to aid him. “Message to Amdir”, shouted Guilin. “This is of utmost importance. He must turn north and link up as fast as possible with Älwe and Gilthmir. He is not to attack enemy`s flank alone. I just want him to join the main army safely”. Narces looked around. There was no messangers left. Lindian was standing next to him. “Lindian, you go. Be as fast as possible and bring Amdir safely back”. Lindian nodded and rushed towards his horse. ”Be carefull”, I shouted to him. Lindian just waved merrily his hand to me and trotted off. I never saw him again alive.

It was only some minutes after Lindian had left when things started to happen. Suddenly two squares of the enemy changed their course and started to move rapidly towards west, towards Amdir and his men who were still hesitating in the Ithilien road, not knowing what to do. Lindian had not reached them yet! Two squares, I thought. At least 30 000 men. And then I saw something that froze my heart. The second square was dressed in bright red univorms. The foremost military weapon of the world was moving towards Amdir, who was isolated and without support. We saw how the silvanelves were starting to form up, making a defensive line along a small ridge. But that would not give them much cover. The enemy was moving very rapidly now, making the distance much faster than Älwe and his column coming from north to help Amdir. The king would be attacked before help would arrive. “That is the best counter-march I have ever seen!, observed Narces with a silent voice, looking at the enemy squares rushing over the plain. And he had seen many!

After that we were just observers. We could see how Amdir managed to form his line in time. Then the enemy attacked him. They raised a mighty cheer and rushed forward. A rain of arrow greeted them and scores of men fell. But the rest pushed forward. More and more fell, but the charge didn`t break. “They are delivering it home”, said Aränwe, holding his breath. All the eyes were now in that battle in the distance. A loud cheer rose from the ranks of the enemy, who had now spread the square more widely to hit the whole line of Amdir. The lightly armoured silvanelves were no match for the perfect red lines of the Numenorean regulars. Amdir`s line gave up and broke in several points. Archers kept on shooting but they couldn`t stop the enemy advance. Here and there silvanelves fought till the end but were overwhelmed and slaughtered. Many were already running towards the rear, towards the swamps of Nindalf behind them. One bigger unit of silvanelves kept together and the banner of Amdir flow above them defiantly. But a strong red-clad unit rushed them. For the moment there was a fierce close-combat, and then a red flood went over the elven ranks. I saw how the banner of Amdir slowly fell on the ground. Glorfindel lowered his head and was silent for a moment. “Poor Amdir”, he said quietly. “He deserved better end than that”.

But things were happening too fast now. The main force of the enemy was on the move again, seeing how the flank threat was being destroyed in leisure. They were coming towards us, and simultaniously Amdir`s men gave up all the resistance and ran. Some kept together and tried to fall back in orderly fashion, especially those who were closest to our main force. I turned my head to see where Älwe and Gilthmir were. Their force was closing in fast, but not fast enough. And there were some small mounds between them and Amdir. To my horror I realised that they probably didn`t see what had happened to Amdir and his force. And where was Lindian? Fear filled me, but with it I found new resolve. I was ready, what ever might happen. And it did happen immediately. Glorfindel looked around. There were no squires or messangers left. “Delemir”, he shouted. “Message to Älwe and Gilthmir. Force skirmishline and hold what you got! Be quick, every second matters now”. I turned and ran towards my horse. It was already saddled and I jumped on and rushed forward. While already riding for my life I could hear the clear voice of Glorfindel shouting at me. “Right line, Delemir, make it right line”.

I rode through the now deserted camp. It was all going towards the worst but perhaps I would make it in time. I had to make it in time. There was a column of men marching on my way towards the front. I recognised them as sindar. A familiar figure was leading them on horseback. It was Tälwe the dark. He looked at me questioningly when I rushed past him but there was no time to stop and have a chat. After what felt like an eternity I reached the flank battalion of the dunedain. Their column was now marching side by side with laiquendi. I pushed forward to the middle of the two units. Then I saw two battalion commanders of both units. I didn`t recognise either of them but that didn`t matter. “Force the skirmishline”, I shouted and slowed my horse while passing them. “Force the skirmishline. Right line, right line”. Both were expericenced officers and seeing that I was from the Headquarters they took up the shout immediately. It spread towards the front of the units. “Skirmishline, skirmishline”. I continued forward, figuring out that Älwe and Gilthmir would be somewhere in the front of their columns. And I was right. I met Gilthmir in near the front of the column. He was riding back to see what the shouting was all about. When he sighted me he stopped and shouted himself, “Skirmishline, force the skirmishline”. He was a wise man and knew immediately that the situation was real. Everywhere around us the column started to spread and rush forward. I rode with Gilthmir to the front of the column, where he stopped his horse and shouted, “right line, the point is where I am standing. Move it". Älwe in his green cloak appeared next to us. “Master Älwe”, said Gilthmir with his excited voice, “form your archers behind my line. I shall hold the front with the assistance of your spearmen, and your archers shall support us. We should be able to stop what ever is coming at us”. Älwe nodded and left to form his unit. “The enemy has broken Amdir`s line”, I said to Gilthmir. “They will rush you from behind those mounds any minute now. You must hold what you got”. He nodded in understanding.

I had delivered my message and retreated a bit from the front to observe. Gilthmir`s line was moving in orderly fashion forward. But then small groups of silvanelves started to flee across the mounds, indicating that the enemy was quite close. I could again hear the music which the numenorean army was playing. And the drumms above all...”boom...boom...boom”. Suddenly I heard the same drumms from nearby. The dunedain started to play too. Pipes and other instruments joined the music. I don`t know what they were playing for a while but it was beautifull. Then the tune changed and they adapted the same march the numenoreans were playing. Two armies of the lost Numenore were playing the same song, preparing to start killing each others. It was somehow tragical. But Gilthmir was in a hurry and he knew it. “It is a race now”, I heard him shout over the music. Such a great voice he had that it was heard by all. “Hurry up men. Double quick”. And the pace of the drumms quickened, “boob, boom, boom, boom”. Ever after that day I haven`t been able to listen drums without tears in my eyes. The soldiers rushed forward double quick, and the line started to form. I saw how the last battalion reached it`s position in the far right. But the men were facing wrong direction, stright forward. Would they make it in time. Simultanously brown and red clad troops poured over the mounds and towards the still unprepared line of defense.

They were only some 50 meters away when Gilthmir`s line was ready. He shouted “left turn”, and his line turned left facing the enemy. “Spears and shields”! Spears were lowered and a shield-wall was formed to protect the spearmen. The shields were raised just before the enemy charged the line. There was a loud sound of something huge crashing when thousands of men hit each other. Älwe`s archers were finally ready and steady rain of arrows started to hit the enemy ranks. But the enemy had attacked too quickly, trying to outrun Gilthmir. The dunedain were ready but the regulars were not. They might have been the most disciplined fighting force in the world but a shield-wall and line of spears were too much for them. The cheers died and enemy started to retreat to regroup. They raised shields too to protect them from the arrows. The dunedain did not pursue but held their line, preparing to meet another assault. I saw that their line was strong and would probably not be broken, since the numenorean regulars had already lost many men. What catched my attention now was the suddenly started sounds of battle in the center of our line.

I turned to face that direction. The enemy had attacked at last. To my astonishment I saw that they had attacked us in the whole line, not holding anything in reserve. Haldimir was trying to use his early success and sweep us from the field with his overwhelming numbers. How ever our line was holding steadily in all places. It was incredible sight to see how about 180 000 soldiers were fighting in the vast plain. It was a sight I will never forget. But my attention soon concentrated on the center of our line. There the noldor of Lindon were defending, their flanks resting on the strong lines of the men of Arnor on the left and falathrim on the right. They were not giving up though both units were hard pressed. I rode towards our Headquarters, every now and then stopping to observe. I saw the shape of Cirdan now among his own troops, holding them together. Our banners were still flying defiantly above the Headquarters. I knew I wouldn`t get there in time, so I stopped to one small mound and rested after the hard ride I had already done. From there I had a clear sight over the battlefield.

What I saw almost froze my heart. One square had attacked forces of Lindon., my own brothers and friends. After heavy fighting our men repulsed the enemy, but immediately another square formed and charged them. And these men had bright red uniforms. The regulars were attacking at last! Haldimir had used his last card, and was determined to break our center with it. I immediately realised that if he could do that our army would be broken into pieces. With terrible shout the numenoreans attacked, and I could see that no rain of arrows could turn them back. They were going to deliver their charge home. The attack was directed straight towards our headquarters on that small mound. I mounted my horse again, knowing I would have to be there in case the enemy would reach the headquarters. In that moment I finally knew who I was and where I belong to. If there would be some desperate last stand in the mound I would have to be there to fight side by side with Glorfindel and Narces. In that moment I knew this was not some big adventure I had joined so many years ago in Lindon. No, this was the big almost eternal fight between us and Morgoth. Glorfindel had fought that battle all his life, and was still fighting it. I would do so too, right next to him. So forward I went, trying to reach the mound before the enemy. 2nd Battalion of the Arnor Cavalry rode past me in a swift gallop, going to the aid of lord Gilthmir.

The attack of the regulars seemed irresistable. But still, when that red flood hit our steady grey lines, it stopped. The carnage was horrible. Men in both sides fell like leaves. But still our line held agains impossible odds. The struggle continued fiercely, neither side yielding an inch. Then the numenoreans raised another wild cheer and kept on coming. Finally some individual elves were forced to take a step backwards, then another. I could see it clearly while riding forward. The line began to give ground. First just one step, then some more. Suddenly the red lines were driving our men backwards. The cheer was raised again, this time with more urgency. Experienced troops could sense the victory withing their crasp. They were driving our men steadily backwards, but our line did not break. I don`t know how Gildor and Erendur did it, but they held the line together. Then it cracked under the pressure. Suddenly there was a hole in the middle, and one section of our line turned and run. But only a small section. Others still stayed together, giving ground all the time. Their effort had been incredible so far, but the enemy was unstoppable. They got to the flank of the men of arnor and started to turn their line, which started to retreat. Strong force of the enemy pushed through from the hole in our line and rushed forward, towards our headquarters just some 200 meters from them. The battle was moving rapidly towards our banners in the mound. I could see how the thin grey line of the Lindon Foot Guards rushed forward with a cheer to receive the attack towards the Headquarters. Lord Gellan was wearing a silvery armour which could be seen far away.

Then the mound was between me and the battle. I could only hear the noise which was gaining more strength all the time. Our men were still making a fight over it. Then I reached the mound, jumped from my horse and ran towards the front. Lindon Foot Guards were fighting with a heavily superior enemy on the slope of the mound. Prince Gennir was leading his Arnor Horse Guards to join them. The battle was in a balance! They were fighting suberbly. Everything was happening like in slow motion now. I had immense amount of time to see everything. Hallas was standing on a small rock, shooting with a bow, and there was a fierce expression on his face. I remember thinking how young he was. Too young to be there, but still he stood his ground and loosed an arrow after arrow to the ranks of the enemy. I could see Alcamir among the troops fighting the enemy. Narces was still by the big table, checking his maps. I could not see Gil-galad or Elendil. But I saw Glorfindel. He stood tall in his shining armor just behind the fighting line. He just stood there with his arms behind his back, casual and motionless, like the whole battle just five meters away wouldn`t concern him at all. His face was without any expression what so ever. He was shining pale white light, and though he has always been slender he was full of hidden power. His men could sense him behind them, I am sure. The enemy could break through any time, but he didn`t seem interested. His eyes were in the east, looking across the plain.

“Lord Gilthmir is holding firm”, I shouted to Narces who only nodded. Three enemies broke through the line and ran towards our banners. Glorfindel draw his sword and first one fell. And it looked so easy. Second one attacked him but was slain effortlessly. I charged the third one and managed to kill him with a wild slash. Glorfindel calmly put his sword away and resumed his stand. I stood there next to him and could now see what was happening. The main battle-line was coming towards us, lord Gildor still fighting desperately to keep his men together and protecting the Headquarters. They were only some 40 meters away now. More and more enemies were pushed throught from the hole in our centre, and they were now coming towards the mound. The pressure against lord Gellan was growing. I could see prince Gennir of Cardolan getting hit by an axe. He was carried away from the battle, badly wounded. The defenders were already almost overwhelmed by the enemy. The officers who still were not in the line started to draw their swords and to look for their shields, preparing for the final resistance. “Our headquartes will be taken over our dead bodies”, said Cassian grimly. We others nodded.

That was when lord Guilin finally did something. He turned to a solidary figure standing nearby. “Now would be a great moment to hit the enemy right in front of us”, he observed. I turned to look who was standing there. I saw the bright red cloth covering the knight`s armour and recognised the handsome face. A great destiny was written all over that face. Someday I wanted to be just like him! The knight was sir Denhal, 2nd knight of the Holy Circle! Denhal looked unmoved by the spectacle in front of him. But still, he looked back at lord Guilin. “My lord, I have to agree. Now is the time”! Guilin nodded. “Then why don`t you ride to the royal Headquarters to find king Ereinion and tell him that. Tell Ereinion he needs to move quickly”! Sir Denhal bowed and mounted his horse. “We will return shortly, my lord”, he shouted confidently. “We will return and drive the enemy from the field”.

Sir Denhal galloped away. I wished I would have his confidence! Suddenly I could hear marching troops and turned around. In the eastern side of the mound an organised column of elves was marching and the banners of Rivendel were above them. The Division of Imladris had finally arrived from the reserve. Immediately Glorfindel rushed into action. He ran some steps towards the new troops, saw the man in in the front of the column and shouted, “Charge onwards. Do not form up. CHARGE”.

I stepped next to Glorfindel and realised what the situation was like. Strong enemy unit had broken through our main line and was advancing towards the mound with an intention to overrun lord Gellan`s battalion and break our lines in two. Elves of Lindon were being driven backwards, though slowly, and men of Arnor were loosing ground rapidly in the left. They were no match for the regulars who probably could already sense the victory within their reach. The elite military unit of the world was coming. And despite the fact that they fought against us I had to also admire them. But Elrond`s soldiers were coming too. Could they save the situation? They were still in column formation. According to traditional rules it was absolutely impossible to charge anyone in column formation. I could still heard Narces lecturing us about it. “The unit must ALWAYS first form up into a line or naith before it attacks”. Always! “Lord Glorfindel”, I said. “They cannot attack in column”. Glorfindel looked at me, and his eyes were full of excitement. “Sir”, he answered. “There is no time. They must charge now or it is too late”. I nodded and saw the figure in front of the column. He was on foot and had clearly heard Glorfindel`s order. He was looking at us, all alone between his troops and the enemy, and I could just sense the hesitation.

It was lord Ecthelwion. He was wearing only light armour and bright yellow cloak, and had no helmet. I could see his short golden hair. He was looking straight at Glorfindel. It was the decisive moment. I could almost feel his desperation and loneliness in that situation. He could clearly see the red line breaking through Gildor`s line. It was still in perfect order. He turned and looked at his own column. It took only some seconds but felt like minutes. I realised that Aränwe was now standing next to us too. “Go son, go”, he whispered, and I could hear the pain in old elf`s voice. “He looks so lonely in there”, Aränwe added. “Oh, how lonely he must feel. Damn if you do, double damn if you don`t. Go for it, go and get them”.

It was almost like Ecthelwion could have heard what his old campanion said, since he turned again to face the enemy and drew his long sword. I could hear how he shouted “Eriador, follow me. CHARGE”. He rushed forward and Division of Imladris followed, every elf repeating “CHARGE”. The enemy was coming towards the mound and only now woke up to the presense of a new unit of eriadorians. I could hear hasty commands and shouts as the scarlet line started to turn it`s facing. But Ecthelwion came like a lightning and soldiers of Imladris followed, spreading towards left and right as they ran. The heavily armoured knights of lord Elrond`s and lord Ecthelwion`s household companies were leading the attack. It was not an organised charge but there was terrible fury in it. The mass of elves hit the enemy hard, while they were still turning. The noise was the worst so far during that day. Neither side was again willing to give ground. I could still see Ecthelwion in the front of his troops, slashing and hacking wildly, leading his men forward with his example. The Brotherhood of Celebrimbor was now with him, and enemy could not repeal their mad onslaught. They were all there, Galmir of Falas, brave sir Tilion who was commanding Ecthelwion`s knights, Ithilbor of Doriath, Damrod of Ossiriand and Ecthelwion himself of course. The younger members were also there in the front, brave knight Dillian and his best friend Derufin. Only three of the brotherhood were not there.

Only three, and now others were breaking the enemy line with their fierce attack. The one of the brotherhood next to me took a step forward, starting to draw his sword. I grapped lord Aränwe`s hand. “No, my lord”, I said softly. “You must not go. We need you in here more”. Aränwe nodded, eyes full of grief, and put his sword back. Then he turned, head down, and returned to where Narces was standing and looking at us. Aränwe wanted to be where his brotherhood was fighting. I understood him, for I wanted to be there too. But we had our duty.

Ecthelwion was like a newborn. He took the enemy headlong and broke their line. His fellowship was with him, and there was no stopping to their charge. Red line which was still trying to turn could not hold. Other elves followed, many of them survivors of Eregion. When they saw lord Erestor leading the charge with Ecthelwion, they shouted “Celebrimbor, Celebrimbor” with a great voice, and rushed forward, thirsting for revenge. “They are giving in”, claimed Glorfindel and it was true. Unorganised elves were attacking the whole line, more and more joining the battle every minute. Ecthelwion and his companions had already broke into the ranks of the enemy line, and were creating great havock. Erestor had now joined them. I recognised him from his mithril armour. The red line gave ground and then started to retreat. The force which was already attacking the mound was now cut off and destroyed after heavy fighting. Lord Gellan of Greenhaven had amazingly held his ground, but his  Guards battalion was badly decimated.

That returned my thoughts to Lindian who had not returned, and who had been in the right flank just when it collapsed. Was he allright? Or had the scarlet line of the enemies swept over him too, and my friend was now lying dead somewhere in the right. And how many more was going to die? But it was going for us now. Enemy was retreating and Ecthelwion drove them towards north. But the resistance was hardening all the time, and men of Arnor in the left were still hard pressed. Could they hold? Then it happened. I didn`t see Ecthelwion anymore. His yellow-clad figure had been easy to recognise in the middle of red and scarlet enemy univorms, but now it had vanished. The brotherhood was still there, pressing the enemy back, but soldiers were hesitating, like being leaderless. Erestor was not an inspiring leader, though his personal bravery was beyond doubt. Elves of Rivendel were still some tens of meters away from Gildor`s line. The battle-line was not fixed yet. It was a decisive moment, and elves were loosing it. Then I saw how Hallas started to run towards the front and after a moment realised why. One soldier was carrying someone back towards the mound. Hallas was going to help him. When he got closer I saw it was Dual, who was squire of Glorfindel but that day fought with Ecthelwion. And he was carrying lord of The Fountain in his arms. Hallas reached them and soon Ecthelwion was lowered on the ground next to us.

He was badly wounded but quick examination told Hallas that Ecthelwion would live. He had several wounds, and only now many realised that he had lead the charge only in light armour. That was almost certain death. “I drove them”, he managed to say to Glorfindel. “I drove them most gloriously”!  After saying that just lied quietly on the ground trying to follow the battle. Glorfindel took his hand and spoke nothing. A huge cheer made me stand up and look to the battleground. Just when the drive of the elves was slowing down it got new strength. “Gil-galad and Elendil”, shouted one guards soldier and cheered. A new group of troops had approached the front right behind elves of Imladris, and now advanced through the ranks towards the front. Banners of Gil-galad and Elendil were flowing in the wind. The kings had finally joined the battle, and just in the right moment. New inspiration was needed, and now the soldiers got it. Sir Denhal had brought the royal household to join the battle! The force joining the battle was not big, but it was effective and gave new spirit to the Army of Eriador. King`s Ereinion Gil-Galad and Elendil were near the front rank, protected by their own household companies. I could also see the banner of the house of the Fountain, where Glorfindel`s household company under sir Armindil was making an attack. All the mighty knights of the Holy Circle were there! Their red cloaks shone from the middle of the grey and white dressed knights! Gil-galad and Elendil rushed to the frontline, and broke the enemy line again. And this time it looked like the decisive blow. Our soldier were driving the enemy back. Soon Erestor closed his line with Erendur and Gildor. All three units started to drive the enemy south, with the two kings leading. Elrond and Isildur were with them. I recognised their shapes from the distance. It was the enemy line which was now crumbling and bending. And then they started to retreat.

A movement on the left caught my eyes. Men of Arnor had also received new strength when their king joined the battle. They had stopped the enemy advance. Some 300 men had left the line and were advancing to the right, towards the banner of their king. It was like a magnet which draw them. They joined the battle. That was worrying since they had weakened their own line, but even more worrying was that the whole right flank of Arnor was drawing away from the battle and preparing to make a march to the right to join their king. Their leader Numendil, who was Elendil`s sister`s son, was riding in front of his troops. I had not seen Guilin for a while, but as I shouted that Arnor was manouvering, he appeared from out of nowhere. Observing what was happening he turned around. Commander Ornendil was standing near, having just returned from the front. He looked exhausted. “Commander”, Guilin pointed the division of Arnor at him. “Go to the left and make an end to that manouvering. The men of Arnor are not to move anywhere except straigth forward towards the black gate”. Ornendil nodded and went for his horse. A moment later he was already facing Numendil, and I could see that he was shouting to the prince, pointing back to the line. Soon the line turned and before enemy could take an advantage of the situation the line was whole again.

The onslaught of the kings drove the enemy backwards, and soon the place of our original line was reached. But our adversaries were good soldiers who were really hard to hit out of balance. They were still more numerous than our men, and managed to regroup and form a new line. Our advance was halted and a terrible battle ensued.  Numenorean regulars gave no more ground. They hung stubbornly to their position and despite the commitment of Gil-galad and Elendil they could not break the new line. It was a draw, with neither side advancing or retreating.

Only at one point our troops managed to break the enemy line and drive a spear into the enemy line. I hold my breath hoping for a decision to happen, but it was not to be so. Our soldiers couldn`t break through the enemy units that rushed to fill the gap. However for a moment it looked like success was near. I could see a bright red clad figure leading the attack. His helmet had dropped and even from the distance I recognised sir Enlian, 3rd knight of the Holy Circle. Suddenly he was confronted by a tall dark figure, dressed all in black. The shining crown on that figures head could be seen far away. I could feel the terror surrounding that fugure. It was lord of the Nazgul`s himself. I saw clearly that sir Enlian was already wounded, yet he didn`t retreat. The duel between the two lasted several minutes, but then sir Enlian was killed. That broke the spirit of our soldiers who started to retreat back to our own lines. Another dark figure, a nazgul, attempted to chase our men, but a familiar figure stepped in front of it. I recognised lord Volondil of Dinlade, whose dark fears had come true. I almost cried when I saw the desperate fight of Volondil against a nazgul and some knights of the black guard. Finally Volondil was killed, but he had managed to cover the retreat of others.

The enemy now attacked our center again, trying to take advantage of it`s disorganization. King Ereinion`s banner was now in the front line and towards that banner the mighty attack was launched. That proved to be a bad decision from the enemy, since the best defenders stood there. They didn`t yield an inch. Ereinion`s knight stood around him defending him with their life. Against their wall of steel the enemy attack died. But the carnage was horrible. There died mighty sir Denhal of the Holy Circle, defending Ereinion with his life. I didn`t see how it happened. Sir Arminas of Ceredigion and prince Galendil fought closest to the king and repelled many assaults against him. Next to them stood my friend prince Nolondil, who was killed by an enemy spearman. Sir Gelmir, 4th knight of the Holy Circle was badly wounded there. The losses for that knighthood were serious, since sir Caimentur, commanding Lindon Horse Guards, was also killed during this fight. Sir Arminas and sir Faiglion also received wounds, though not serious ones. This left sir Langurik the lucky the only knight not harmed in battle of Dagorlad. But they held their ground and stopped the enemy advance!


Seeing this I turned to see what was happening in the Headquarters. Ecthelwion was still lying on the ground, Duall and Glorfindel next to him. Narces was busy with maps, probably making plans where to retreat if the battle would turn against us. Two soldiers were carrying someone between them, and Cassian was walking besides them. He had tears in his eyes and I knew instantly who it was. Randal would never again laugh at us in the evening after a day of hard work. He was the one who always suggested that we would go out to walk under the stars. Never again! Guilin was inspecting another body near them. I saw the silver armour and recognised Nolondil, the squire and close relative of Gil-galad. "What happened to Nolondil", I asked from Guilin. "He protected king Ereinion with his own body", answered old elf. "He did his duty just like he was supposed to". I nodded, without being able to speak.

The battle was a horrible one, and I was beginning to realise that. I had already started to think when I saw how Amdir`s men were slaughtered, and when the regulars and Division of Lindon had fought their desperate battle. Now people who I personally knew were being carried back. People who I loved. Suddenly the war was no longer an adventure. It was a matter of life and death. Suddenly I realised why Glorfindel sometimes had trouble beeing in the cheerfull mood. There was a lot at stage. And surely the peasants of Lindon and Arnor would have rather been in their farms than dying in here. But if they weren`t here they soon would have no farms left. Always it had been so for the elves and edain in Middle-Earth. Would it never end? I saw Nolondil and Randal dead, and Ecthelwion with his wounds. And where was Lindian? Anger filled me in that moment. I knew it was my war from that moment onwards. Always the enemies had been after us, now I would always be after them! It wouldn`t be over before it would be over. I knew Glorfindel thought like that. He had returned from death for a purpose like that, and now his war would be mine too. "It wont be over until it is over", I said to myself.

I came back from my thoughts, suddenly realising how I didn`t want to sit this battle out, like I had to do. The situation was like before, horrible slaughter continuing, with neither side giving ground. But now Glorfindel was looking towards east, looking for something. I tried to see what he was looking at. My eyes went wide. There were troops advancing towards the enemys right flank. Our troops. “Lord Vahtar”, I said with an astonished voice. Narces dropped his map and ran at us. He too saw the troops coming. “At last”, he said with a relief in his voice. It was our missing detached unit finally returning. They were in ready attack formation and approached steadily Haldimir`s flank. The banner of Nenuial was above the troops. “Vahtar and Annael”, someone shouted. The shout was echoed everywhere. “Hit them hard, Annael”, said Narces with a smile on his face. “Hit them out of the battle. Hit them out of the war”. That was precisely what Vahtar and Annael were after. They hit the leftmost square of the enemy before these could turn their facing. Whole square of 15 000 soldiers went into pieces. Cavalry of Marhad, some 4000 strong, was at the enemy creating great havock among the fleeing terrified soldiers. One square was out of the battle, but Vahtar was after much more.

Our left flank joined him, and together the units started to sweep the field from east to west. Next square had however enough time to turn and managed to stay together when Vahtar hit them. But the men of Nenuial and their allies were in the battle-mood and could not be stopped. The square gave ground and started to retreat. Some of Vahtar`s units were already advancing towards Morannon, trying to cut off the whole enemy army. Simultaniously Guilin gave the signal to our trumpetists who played the tune which meant “all forward”. With a great cheer our whole army attacked with new strength and enemy started to retreat. The victory was ours! Now it was just a question of how decisive our victory would be. For a moment it looked like we would catch the whole royalist army. But Haldimir the fair was still elite commander and his regulars were crack troops. He made a quick turnaround with those regulars who had attacked Gildor`s line, made a lightning march and beat back the troops who were threatening to cut his forces off.

With his regulars Haldimir then hold the retreat route to Morannon open, giving his men time to pull back. Our advance was however now full. All over the battlefield our divisions were advancing. One square, men of Rhun, managed to retreat to Morannon with their leader, Ausir the cursed. Also lord of Nazguls with some 10 000 soldier made it there. All in all maybe 35 000 enemies made it back. Our victory was great, but not total. Around 10 000 men of Rhun surrendered to us as well as 10 000 numenoreans. Of them 5000 were regulars, who were caught in the plain between Marhad and Gilthmir . They had formed a perfect square and tried to push throught, but were cut off, and finally they had to surrender. We couldn`t put admire those men, who had showed true spririt of elite unit during the battle. I actually caught the look on king Isildur`s face when he inspected those scarlet clad men, and I knew that there would soon be elite units in army of Gondor too. Most of the enemy squares were caught in the open ground and cut to pieces. The slaughter was terrible. Perhaps as many as 60 000 enemies were killed in Dagorlad.

Our losses too were bad. King Amdir was dead with about 3000 of his men. That was half of his force. With grief his son Amroth took command of the remnants. Gilthmir too had lost many, as well as men of Gondor. But they were humans and it was easier for them to replace their losses. In that aspect it were really noldor who bore the heaviest burden of the battle. We, with the important help from Arnor, had stopped the charge which Haldimir had planned to be the decisive blow. Our knights and soldiers had stopped the invincible army. But the Division of Lindon was no more the same as before. Of our 5000 soldiers 1500 were dead and 1000 wounded. That tells about the fierceness of the battle. Only those who could no longer stand up left the battle. But that was not all.

The soldiers of Imladris had then driven the enemy back, and were part in that great slaughter when no one would yield an inch. They again were mostly noldor, from Eregion and Lindon, who had followed Elrond during the was against Sauron and never left him since. Of these 3500 men 1000 were dead and 500 wounded. The heaviest toll was taken from the knights of Gil-galad, who had attacked fiercely with their king. Lord Volondil, three knights of the Holy Circle and Prince Nolondil were dead, as well as many other highborn nobles of Lindon. Ecthelwion how ever survived his wounds. All in all some 15 000 of our soldiers were killed. We also had 8000 badly wounded. Miraculously Ereinion and Elendil were unwounded, but their retainers had paid heavily for that to happen. I heard that Nolondil had taken an ax-hit which was meant for Gil-galad. My friend Dillian had died there too, fighting besides his comrade Derufin. Also valiant Vahtar of Nenuial was dead, to the great grief of the whole army. There was hardly anyone in the army who would not have loved that old venerable person. His speedily return had saved the day, and he perhaps was most mourned loss of that day. Lord Gildor had been badly wounded during that fierce battle to stop the enemy advance.

The Headquarters too had taken losses. Randal was dead, so were two of our messangers. Commander Maitren had died fighting besides king Amdir. But the worst loss perhaps was our dear commander Ornendil, who had stayed with the men of Arnor after turning them back to the line, and had been killed by some numenorean regulars when he got separated from the dunedain. One other officer was missing. Lindian was no where to be found. In the next morning, as soon as there was enough light, me and Hallas went to look for him. We went to the place where Gilthmir had formed his line of defense, and from there we walked slowly towards the mounds where Amdir had fought for his life. Near the top of the first mound I saw a familiar horse. It was Lindian`s. Several arrows had killed it. “He never reached Amdir”, said Hallas with a sorrow in his voice. He was right. Horse had been going towards south when it was killed. Enemy had already been between our main force and Amdir. But Lindian had tried to push through anyway. Next to the horse were two scarlet clad bodies, both killed with a longsword. He had taken two with him. There was also a bloody path towards south. Some ten meters from the horse we found Lindian. He had been pierced by an arrow and several spears. He was dead. We closed his eyes and carried him back to the headquarters. I will never forget that journey back. We were doing the final favor to our dear friend, and while we walked we talked about him. And perhaps somewhere he could hear us!

Singollo saw that older elf was tired. He had been talking for hours, memorising things that must have been painfull to him. Singollo stopped writing and closed his book. The fireplace was cooling. It was time to stop and continue in some other day. He looked deeply at Delemir and perhaps for the first time really saw who he was and where he was coming from. It isn`t over before it is over, had Delemir said. Yes, the bold former  chieftain of the Golden Flower was still fighting that same war he had joined 3700 years before. It wasn`t over. All those long years as a knight in Eriador, he had been on that same war. For Delemir it had never stopped. And for Glorfindel neither. For a brief moment Singollo could feel something strange. He suddenly knew that he too would be fighting that same war before long. And when he would, he would be a comrade in arms with all those brave soldiers he had just heard about. And in such a great company, who could fail?